About Comfort Dog Ministries

Who We Are

St. Andrews Lutheran Church received our Lutheran Church Charities (LCC) K-9 Comfort Dog, Rahab, in October of 2020. Lutheran Church Charities is a non-profit organization that started in 2005, located in Illinois.

LCC selects purebred golden retrievers when they are a few weeks old. At 8 weeks old, the puppies start their extensive training program. All of the comfort dogs receive a minimum of 2000 hours of training over a period of 18-24 months prior to being placed at one of the waiting Lutheran churches.

What We Do

The LCC’s mission, and that of the Comfort Dog Ministry Team at St. Andrews, is to share the mercy, compassion, presence, and proclamation of Jesus Christ to those who are suffering and in need. Rahab helps to be a bridge between the St. Andrews Comfort Dog Ministry Team and the person being served.

When invited, we visit schools, hospitals, rehabilitation centers, first responders, and 911 dispatch, to name just a few. We are also invited to serve as the result of crises such as shootings, wildfires, and tragic school events like a child or teacher passing away. Rahab and the other LCC Comfort K-9s, along with Handlers and Ministry Partners, are invited into these situations where people are dealing with unthinkable grief…and that is when we really see how interaction with a golden retriever has the ability to give a person permission to open up to complete strangers about anything they want or need to talk about.

How Is This Ministry Funded?

There is never a charge to those we serve. Costs for Rahab’s care and team transportation to visits is all based on donations from our church and community. If you wish to donate, please visit our online giving page and be sure to select “Comfort Dog Ministry” in the dropdown menu.

Want More Information?

Click here to request a visit from Rahab.

Email “Top Dog” Bobby Moore for more information.

Click here to learn more about Lutheran Church Charities.

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