February 4th St. Andrews Updates

Loving, learning, living…here are a few St. Andrews updates.
Coming Up: All-Church Forgiving Challenge!

“A forgiven person is a forgiving person.” On March 6th, St. Andrews will be launching Forgiving Challenge (written by the author of The Red Letter Challenge). All ages and stages can participate through Sunday messages, small group study, and daily personal reflection. Talk to Pastor Dan or Pastor Brian to learn more, and email Kristin Winter to get plugged into a group!

Be Forgiven by Jesus
Focused on a personal journey through “5 Phases Leading to Freedom,” Forgiving Challenge will help give you freedom from your sin and freedom to a life of meaning and impact.

Take Practical, Daily Challenges
Every day, Forgiving Challenge will present you with a new challenge that will stretch and grow you on your journey.

Life Change in 40 Days
You’ll be joining thousands of individuals and hundreds of churches who have grown closer to God and experienced freedom through this 40-day challenge.
Serving Each Other

Know how to pour wine? Ever attend the 10:45 service? This message is for you!
We need a few families or 2-person teams from the 10:45 service to do Saturday set up and Sunday clean up of communion just 4 times a year. Comes with a simple training and detailed instructions (in pictures!). This is a wonderful way to serve God’s people without ever having to walk up in front of a crowd! Email Clive and Judy Snedker.

Young Adult Dinners and Small Group
This discussion group is aimed to reach any college student or young adult (approximately 19-24 yrs). We are following a short but powerful study this month by Pastor Craig Groeschel, “High-Impact Habits for Successful Leaders.” February 8th and 15th at St. Andrews from 6:30-8:00pm. In March we’ll start Forgiving Challenge! Email Kristin Winter for more info.

We can help homeless families AT St. Andrews!
St. Andrews is helping Family Promise of San Joaquin work with selected homeless families to get them back on their feet. For one week, 4 times a year, we need volunteers to…
…provide dinners and breakfasts
…play games with kids in the evening
…eat dinner with the families to connect
…spend the night at St. Andrews for assistance
Learn more by attending an info meeting on February 27th at 12PM and by emailing Pastor Brian. You can learn more about Family Promise at their website.
Newday Preschool Openings

Priority Newday registration this coming week!
St. Andrews and Newday alumni families get a head start on registering for the ’22-’23 school year from February 7th-18thContact Marla to learn about class options, tuition, or scheduling a tour. Newday is a safe and nurturing environment where each child has the opportunity to develop a positive self-image, as well as to grow spiritually, socially, emotionally, academically, and physically. Classes are filled on a first-come, first-served basis.
Daily Devotions

Each Monday-Saturday until Lent, Pastor Dan and Pastor Brian are sending Scripture and prayer suggestions based on the previous Sunday’s message. Sign up today to start receiving devotions about the hope, joy, and peace we receive through the truth of resurrection!
How do you get these?
If you’d like devotions emailed to you daily, click this link to sign up.Or you can check the St. Andrews app each day! For Google Play store: Follow this direct link or search “St Andrews Lutheran Church”
For the App Store (Apple): Search “Saint Andrews Stockton”
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