Daily Devotions, DCE, Debt-Free…and Other January Updates

It’s 2022! Here is what we’ve got coming up. Scroll down to sign up for new daily devotions from our pastors.

We Want to Hear from You!
We can never replace Miss Tracy Krueger, but we know God has new plans for leadership in our children and family ministries. What are you hoping God provides in a new DCE? What do you see as needs for the families in our congregation?

Please gather with us on January 9th at 9:45AM to share your input. St. Andrews is the only Lutheran presence for children, youth, and family ministry in Stockton…so please consider how we can serve you, your children, your grandchildren, and families in our communities!

If you are unable to attend this meeting in person, you’re welcome to email Pastor Dan with your thoughts.

Thank You, Boni…and Welcome, Erika!
We are so thankful for the three years Boni Hamilton served as a loving and dedicated band coordinator for our contemporary service. She has now stepped down from that position, feeling God call her toward concentration on other areas of ministry.

In His faithfulness, God also drew Erika Kleinert toward the band position! Erika is a music director at Cesar Chavez High School, and she and her husband Brandon have been involved with music at St. Andrews for some time. Erika will be serving St. Andrews on a part-time basis, and is passionate about nurturing and guiding the band.

If you’d like to be involved with music at our contemporary service, please contact Erika at erika@stalc.org.
We Did It!

Your incredible generosity has enabled us to move forward with our courtyard renovation DEBT-FREE! We are continuing the permitting process and look forward to beginning construction as soon the city gives the last green light. Thank you for your faithfulness!
New! Receive Daily Devotions from Our Pastors

Starting January 9th and continuing until Lent, Pastor Dan and Pastor Brian will be preaching on the hope, joy, and peace we receive through the truth of resurrection. Each Monday-Saturday they will send Scripture and prayer suggestions based on the previous Sunday’s message.

How do you get these?
If you’d like devotions emailed to you daily, click this link to sign up. The first devotional will be sent Monday, January 10th.

Or you can check the St. Andrews app each day! Download the app from Google Play or the App Store (search “St Andrews Stockton”) and then visit the “Devotionals” page.
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